
There’s always something going on at Surrey City Church and we invite you to join with us as we live life together! Here’s what’s you need to know for this week and the days to come.

Date Time Event Details
Tues, Aug 27 7:00PM Changing Lanes Our new cycle of Changing Lanes starts this week. Join us at the Vancouver Campus downstairs.
Wed, Aug 28 No Life Group We are on a semester break. Life Groups resume on Sept 11.

Coming Up

Date Time Event Details
Sept 1 Move the Mission Offering Due Remember to submit your pledges and offering for MTM and support our youth!
Sept 20 7:30 Section 5 Rally Join us at Emmanuel Pentecostal Church for a worship service with other churches from Metro Van! More details to come
Sat, Sept 21 11AM Married’s Picnic Calling all Married couples and their kids! Join us for a picnic at Mundy Park. $10/adult, $5/ child!